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Re: Where this all started...

From: timj@u...
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 1997 10:34:42 -0500
Subject: Re: Where this all started...

Donald Hosford wrote:

--I guess I can't look at any game without thinking how to make it

I think SFB started out as a nice simple game in a ziplock bag and
looked what 
happened to that. Keep It Simple Stupid (KISS) is a favourite axiom. 
off between complexity & playability is a fine line. IMHO FT & MT are,
at the 
moment, in the right bounds of each constraint, especially as you can
just play 
core FT. 

--Got a question....If your in england where everything is in metric,
how come
--the FT game is in inches?

Don't ask, it depends how old you are - the current schools teach metric

measurement - oldsters may still think in ft & inches which is probably
what was 
current when Jon was at school, it was when I was - all the road signs
are still 
in miles and milk & beer still comes in imperial pints.

Tim Jones

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