Re: [SG2] 15mm Figs, Anyone? A company wants to supply...
From: BJCantwell@a...
Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 12:12:59 -0500
Subject: Re: [SG2] 15mm Figs, Anyone? A company wants to supply...
This last week I picked up two packs of the Heavy Gear 15mm infantry
RAFM. Each pack was $10 US and has 20 minis in two poses. Each pack
comes with a sprue of additional weapons. The packs I picked up are
from the "blue side" (I didn't pay any attention to the names). One is
Infantry in full light armor (DGII terms) with a trooper carrying a
one shot missile/rocket launcher and the other carrying a fairly long
barrelled rifle. The other pack is standard infantry in partial light
and wearing some sort of jacket with one trooper carrying a rather short
rifle and one trooper carrying the long automatic weapon. Sculpting and
detail on these is pretty good. The store also had recon infantry on
motorcycles, a pack of "snipers: which had troopers with a variety of
weapons, and light artillery pieces. Oh yeah and there were a bunch of
too :). Worth checking out for 15mm....