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Re: Fighter groups

From: Brian Bell <PDGA6560@c...>
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 1997 23:05:22 -0500
Subject: Re: Fighter groups

>Is the limit of 6 fighter groups for a fleet carrier the maximum you
>allowed to put on a ship design. Or is it legal, for example, to design
>a system defence monitor with a fighter capacity of 10 fighter groups?
>What then is the concensus on Super Ships where it is possible to build
>mega-carriers with fighter capacities of 15, 20 or more fighter groups?

There is no limit, but there is the law of diminishing returns. Normal 
fighter-equiped ships can only launch 1 fighter group per turn. Official

carriers can only launch 2 fighter groups per turn. No ship may recover 
more than 1 fighter group per turn. (All from FT page 16) Fighters only 
have a "life" of 6 turns (3 active, 3 returning) [yes, I know they can 
launch before spending endurance]. A large ship may carry more than 6 
fighter groups, but getting enough fighters launched in time is another 
problem.  Recovering a large number of fighter groups is an even bigger 
"Casualty report: 120 fighters launched, 20 lost to enemy fire, 48 lost 
to oxygen starvation/hyperthermia due to lack of recovery, 52 
successfully recovered."

Brian Bell
Includes the Full Thrust Ship Registry! Is your design here?

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