Re: The Ft FAQ!
From: "Donald A. Chipman III" <tre@i...>
Date: Wed, 5 Feb 1997 15:50:20 -0500
Subject: Re: The Ft FAQ!
At 10:23 AM 2/5/97 EST, you wrote:
>>Re-arming Fighters: Can Fighters that have been recovered be re-armed
>>during the game? If so, how long does it take? {um....]
>Is there a FSA (Frequently Supplied Answer :-) for this FAQ? I would be
>extremely interested as I was going to ask it myself.
>Michael "Wargh" Rutherfurd
I think 5 turns is a fair rearm time; it's long enought that most
won't get a chance to rearm more than once per game (it would take a
of 10 turns, by my reckoning, for a fighter launch, expend all its
endurance, recover, and rearm before it could fight again, and very few
games last over 20 turns). You may, however, want to make make Torpedo
Fighters take 8 turns to rearm.
Take care,