Starbase models
From: "Rutherford, Michael" <MRutherf@n...>
Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 12:39:00 -0500
Subject: Starbase models
Hi everyone, just started recently and while looking for extra models I
noticed a large (I think 18" or so diameter) DS9 base w/ fibreoptics etc
(lotsa bells and whistles). Hmmm, I think, nice but a tad too big. Does
anybody know if you can get the DS9 starbase model in a size more
appropriate (6"-8" diameter)... I asked the store owner but got a
but a blank look.
On another note, I picked up FT/MT and a reasonable number of Kra'Vak
because they looked spiffy... only to find they had special rules that
people" considered overpowered. Oh well, anybody interested in some
ship designs, I just took the mass of the sample Kra'Vak ships and
crossreffed to the model. Most (except the really little ones) now carry
number of pulse torps equal to the number of spars on the model, filling
with mostly C batts (some B and A batts on the largest). The capital
mostly carry fighters as well.
Michael "Wargh" Rutherfurd