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Copyright (again)

From: "Absolutely Barking Stars" <jw4@b...>
Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 05:56:16 -0500
Subject: Copyright (again)

Sorry to bore you all with this but there *IS* a good reason folks,

I've reworded the relevant section of the list subscription notice and
posting it here first to see what people think. I've removed the 'I 
renounce my copyright' and made it a bit more advisory and I'd like 
people's opinions..


Important note on use of the FTGZG-L@BOLTON.AC.UK Mailing List

This list is run primarily for the benefit of players of Ground Zero
products and the products of other companies connected to them. Several
members of the staff of Ground Zero Games subscribe to this mailing list
and therefore any material posted on this list is likely to be seen by
them. Any material posted to this list remains the copyright of those
posting it, however list members should be aware that while the exact
of the mail message is copyright, the ideas expressed within them are
so unless an identifiable portion of the text is reprinted in a GZG
product, legal action for copyright breach is unlikely to succeed.

If you find this situation intolerable, follow the unsubscription
and remove yourself from this list as soon as possible.


I'm a bit misty on what an 'identifiable portion' is - for example, In 
music it's about 7 bars I think - but I couldn't think of a better 
wording. As it is I think it at least puts the position fairly clearly.
'And I love what we are but I hate what I am
 And I wanna be like you but I hate when you're like them'
		   Maria McKee 'What Else you Wanna Know'
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