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Forces in DSII and SGII

From: John Crimmins <johncrim@v...>
Date: Mon, 27 Jan 1997 22:29:22 -0500
Subject: Forces in DSII and SGII

	I was just wondering about something....  How large are your
in DSII and SGII?  I've found myself to be painting relatively small
forces--ranging from 10 to 40 figs. for SGII (Averaging at about 25). 
the other hand, I have 12 different sides painted up at this point,
me a great deal of flexability when designing scenarios.  My DSII minis
to work the same way--groups or around 20 or thirty figures painted in a
distinct fashion.  When I get organized, I'm going to design a
with lots of mercenary units to explain all of this....  How do other
do things?  Paint one or two BIG forces, and work with those?  Or is
yet a third way?  Inquiring minds want to know?

John Crimmins

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