Re: FT on computer
From: Stuart Ford <sford@v...>
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 1997 04:45:28 -0500
Subject: Re: FT on computer
I have been, and am still currently working on a real time, multiplayer
FT game for the Web. This is being written in Java for use on any
compuer with a Java compatible web browser. There are still a few
things to finish yet on the game, however, the Server for the system is
done. This will be expanded later into both a Skirmish battle system
and a long term Campaign system with planetary resources and every other
toy I can think of at the time.
This should be ready for Beta testing no later than the last week of
Febuary. If you have any comments or questions please ask either on the
list or by direct Email. I will post updates when available, and also
add screen shots and other information to my Web page (which is
currently being totally rewritten from the ground up).
Thanks for the dime,
Stuar Ford