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Re: FT III, BIg ships and such.

From: "Ever stop to think...and forget to start again?" <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 1996 23:12:44 -0500
Subject: Re: FT III, BIg ships and such.

>What I DO have a problem with is the "must upgrade at all costs"
>that I'm seeing vis a vis Full Thrust. If you like Full Thrust as it
is, why
>worry that the next version is more complex? Just play FT2 and don't
>buying FT3. Why is everyone assuming that when FT3 comes out no one
>want to play FT2?

Because what would prolly happen is that FT2 will go by the wayside for
new players. New people to FT won't be able to find FT2, but will find
For those FTers who have FT2 (or even FT1!) will be 'left behind' by
who will prefer to play FT3 'because its *obviously* better and newer
its replacing FT2'. This is in general. I think most of the people on
list are discriminating enough to deal with the differences amongst
selves. However, there is the problem that if FT3 comes out, FT2 will
disappear from the shelves. And if you're an FT2er and are trying to
it to new players, all they will be able to get is FT3. And if it's
enough from FT2...

For the record I vote for FT2, with FT3 being expansion materials and
some errata on the bugs in FT2. And anti-virii weapons.  :-)   Maybe
a better link between FT2 and DS2/SG2?

Daune: "How can you be asleep and getting ready at the same time?"

Indy: "I'm multi-tasking..."

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