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Re: Why big ships are too good...

From: Rick Rutherford <rickr@s...>
Date: Mon, 9 Dec 1996 15:55:24 -0500
Subject: Re: Why big ships are too good...

On Mon, 9 Dec 1996, lojeck wrote:
> > Have you tried making superships modular?  I.e. a 200 mass supership
> > borken down into 4, 50 mass units with 1-2 sections having engines,
> > sections having the FTL (Original costs are based on the total 200
> in the 180 mass 3 ship configuration, what happens if you destroy the
> center ship? or should the ship be designed to not have a center?

It blows up in a very spectacular fashion.  I once played with the
space station that's provided as an example in the books (FT or MT, I
can't remember), and my opponent hit it from long range with a bunch of

The missile hits were randomized between the sections, but they managed
take down one of the modular sections (which did 5d6 damage to its
neighbors) and started a chain reaction that destroyed the whole thing.

Rick Rutherford	    The above opinions are mine.
"It seems to me that the nearer painting approaches sculpture the better
it is, and that sculpture is the worse the nearer it approaches
					     -- Michelangelo

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