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RE: Star Trek Tech Questions

From: timj@u...
Date: Mon, 7 Oct 1996 04:46:22 -0400
Subject: RE: Star Trek Tech Questions

1.  Which are stronger, phasers or disruptors?

In Classic Trek - Phasers where more powerful. The Enterprise managed to
easily defeat a 
Klingon in 'Elaan Of Troyius'.	Its silly but they were actually called
Disruptors' in Classic Trek, but this has moved on to Matter Disruptors.
Basically a 
Disruptor shakes its target apart at a molecular level. STTNG Tech
Manual gives ranges 
for phasers & photons but there is No hard information on klingon weapon
systems in any 
of the published canonical material, especially for the STTNG era. This
leave the fall 
back of episode watching, but as the technology is moulded to fit the
story line such as 
in 'Rascals' or 'Generations' you are not left that much wiser. I would
concur with the 
general consesus that Phasers are better over a longer range, having a
better targetting 
system and less prone to attenuation than a Disruptor (this is PSB
but...). I use A beams 
as Phasers and AA Mega Batteries as disruptors but with a shorter range
limit. Disruptors 
are bad news close in.

2.  What's the difference between photon torpedos and quantum	

A photon torpedo warhead is an un-contolled anti matter explosion. This
just yields 
energy which will destroy matter by radiation & particle collision. A
Quantum torpedo by 
its name disrupts the total being of matter at the Quantum level. This
makes the Q trop a 
horrendously powerful device - and one which DS9 hsn't really shown
correctly as the 
effect would be total destrution of the target every time - destruction
at the quantum 
level would be virtually impossible to shield against should it be
possible. What you 
actually have is a good name for a gatling photon gun which seems to
fire bolts at a 
target each of which has the same sort of yield as a normal photo
torpedo. I'd model the 
Q torp as a multi fire photon torpedo delivery system. Otherwise a
proper Q torp would be 
a I hit you your dead weapon. 


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