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Pulse torpedoes

From: "Joseph L. Haygood" <jhaygood@a...>
Date: Tue, 3 Sep 1996 11:36:33 -0400
Subject: Pulse torpedoes

>>Pulse Torpedos:  so long as a FireCon is dedicated solely for
PulseTorp fire,
>>any number of tubes may fire at that target using that FireCon.  If
you wish
>>to engage another target with PulseTorps, then you need another
FireCon.  If
>>you want to fire beams, you need another FireCon.
>>   Best way to view this is that FireCon rules for PulseTorps work
just like
>>they do for Beams, but the two systems are mutually exculsive.  The
>>FireCon per target, per weapon group (ie., beams or PulseTorps).

I agree with this interpretation of the rules. For your Trekkers, how
could the Enterprise fire a full spread of torpedoes? Torpedoes have a
shorter range (i am almost sure) than beams. I think if you thought the
other way, how could 3 different beam systems engage 1 target at extreme
range? You need heavier computing systems ( ie: more fire cons) to track
attack targets far away. If you are scared of them stay away from them.
(seems like I am rambling. hope everyone follows this post)

Jay Haygood
Once more dear Friends, into the Breach !!    -or-	 SnailMail: 			     Jay Haygood	
				6662 Wildwood Court
				Lithonia GA USA 30058

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