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From: "Mike Wikan" <mww@n...>
Date: Wed, 28 Aug 1996 05:25:48 -0400

We play with an open map that translates to 2 LY to the inch. We 
allow a task force to move only as many inches per turn as the 
slowest member of the group. (We make the assumption that travel in 
FTL space is exponential to your  thrust in realspace. It makes 
you design your ships VERY differently) We have a simple system 
defense diagram that we use for attacking star systems. The defending 
player has an outer and inner system diagram where he has stationed 
the system's defenses. The outer defenses must be defeated before the 
inner defenses can be attacked. If anyone is interested I have the 
system sheet as a JPEG and I have my simple rule sheet for campaign 
play around here somewhere too....
Mike Wikan
Game Design\Conceptual Art
n-Space, Inc.

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