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RE: B5 BREWs update.

From: rkp@m... (Robin Paul)
Date: Thu, 22 Aug 1996 10:21:13 -0400
Subject: RE: B5 BREWs update.

>--I always class the White Star as a Destroyer
>Its hard to get the scale against Shadow Ships, I always felt it was a
>--RBREW (Big Yellow Energy Weapon and Really Big Red Energy Weapon)
>On my Tv Shadow cutting beam is Magenta or Violet, Earth Force & Narn
>:-) Vorlons have an energy ball weapon that the ships hold then
release? This 
>isn't covered.
>Tim Jones

	I like to think of the big Vorlon cruisers' weapon as a "STBFW",
a "Stitch This, Bastard-Features! Weapon"  :-)

	White Star is _really_	wee next to a Minbari Warcruiser (which
think of as a capital), and I'd call her a superdestroyer or destroyer
in FT.

Rob Paul
NERC Institute of Virology 
Mansfield Road, Oxford OX1 3SR	  Tel. (01865) 512361
			 "Auld an' bald!"

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