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Re: cloaking device rules

From: "I knew it! I'm going home in a bag! It's always the Corporal that gets blown up first." <KOCHTE@s...>
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 1996 10:37:07 -0400
Subject: Re: cloaking device rules

>Back from the woods, time to learn how to use a fork again...:
>> the Klink Gunnery Officer was surprised himself by
>> the suddenly close Freddie ship and faltered at the controls; I trust
that he
>> had been executed and banished as appropriate to one of his fallen
>	Once, during a Star Fleet Battles game, a Klingon player
>marked off crew hits whenever he rolled spectacularly bad. He did more
>damage to himself that way than anyone managed to do to him.


I'll have to remember that next time I play SFB...  ;-)

   o/		      ..     .
  /@		       .  .	      If you insist on reaching for a
  <|\			  .  )	      star, be prepared to take a long,
   |		     /\ 	      hard fall.
   |		    //
   /		 o //*		      Indy - climber, astronomer,
  /		<%- /|\ 	      supreme. Have rope, will travel.
 /		/\ / | \

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