Re: Torpedoes
From: Joachim Heck - SunSoft <jheck@E...>
Date: Fri, 9 Aug 1996 08:07:29 -0400
Subject: Re: Torpedoes writes:
@:) On Thu, 8 Aug 1996, Joachim Heck - SunSoft wrote:
@:) > writes:
@:) >
@:) > @:) I have been reading the rules for firing Pulse Torpedoes and I
@:) > @:) have a bit of a problem. It states that a FireCon use to fire
@:) > @:) P.Torp may not be used for fing at anything else so here's my
@:) > @:) problem.
@:) >
@:) Oh, EXCUSE ME!!!!! I'm not trying to be rules lawyer here!!
Never said you were.
@:) I just wanted to make sure that I am NOT screwing my friends over
@:) when I play using the Torpedo ships I like to field. I just got
@:) the feeling that when I read the rules closely that in a battle I
@:) had just fought that I had used my cruiser badly by firing both
@:) torpedo tubes a one target with one FireCon and firing the "B"
@:) battery at another target with the other FireCon. That's all. I
@:) apologise if I have taken your reply the wrong way, but that's how
@:) it feels.
Well, as far as screwing your friends over, isn't that what combat
simulation games are for :P ? While I might have recommended firing
your torps AND the B battery (for that oh so satisfying "debris cloud
the size of a small continent" effect), I don't think you did anything
wrong in a technical sense.
Actually, I've gotten the feeling from reading this group that I am
probably one of the worst rules lawyers here. I'm not much into
exploiting weak points in the rules for personal gain, but since my
group is doing campaigns with ship construction as a major part of the
theme, we tend to end up running into rules problems. I wrote a
scenario (we were testing rules changes proposals) recently and I
couldn't believe how satisfying it was to have three capital ships in
the game and still only have six A batteries on the entire field! You
would never see that if people built their own ships, because when
people build their own ships they go into **RULES STATISTICIAN** mode
and they notice how much better A batteries are than anything else.
They also notice how much better mass 36 cruisers are than mass 19
cruisers. Stuff like that. So I've been closely reading the
rulebooks in an effort to determine exactly what they meant, and I
think I've got a lot of stuff (like firecons for pulse torpedues)
straight in my head. Why not share the wealth(?), right?