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Re: Star Wars Models ...

From: starwarsnut@j... (Paul A Neher)
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 1996 22:29:12 -0400
Subject: Re: Star Wars Models ...

On Thu, 8 Aug 1996 17:52:26 +0200 (MET DST) Oerjan Ohlson
<> writes:

>The feel is very much different. In capital ship combat, the ships 
>move slowly (well, all things are relative), and the various captains
>time to plan their manouvres. Fighter pilots have to react _NOW_ or 
>else they're dead. What made Star Fighter take so long to play was that

>everyone wanted to optimize their manouvers - ie, they planned ahead, 
>far  ahead. That's all very fine when you're preparing to attack a
>unit, but you can't stop each five seconds in the middle of a dogfight 
>to consider your next move for five minutes...

Most of the experienced players I know actually have written orders for
the next turn as soon as they see the movement for this turn. To me,
it's really no different as it is all a scaler thing anyhow. Your
reaction time is different, but a turn time is different. It's VERY
difficult to do all the fancy manuvers, and the system is designed
around the difficulty/pilot skill roll for pushing the craft too far.
It's easy to do the forward roll, but try that in concert with a roll,
two snap fires a jink and a side slip ... now that's tricky. And that is
what the turn plot represents as well as pre-determining a fighter's
actions for a turn.

My opinion anyway.


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