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Yamato: Why did I watch it?

From: "Mark A. Siefert" <cthulhu@c...>
Date: Tue, 30 Jul 1996 07:57:14 -0400
Subject: Yamato: Why did I watch it?

Last night while cruising the local video store, I swung by the 
Anime section to see what I could find.  I was looking for 
something in the "space war" genre in order to get my FULL THRUST 
creative juices flowing.  After careful consideration of the titles I 
decided to rent the japanese animated "classic" (who is doling out the 
classic status) "Space Battleship Yamato."  After spending 158 minutes 
of my short life watching this movie I came to a vital revelation:
	I can't tell what I thought was worse:	The chessy dialouge 
(Maybe it just didn't translate into subtitles well.), the bad animation

(Its like "Speed Racer" only with starships.), or the insane plotline (A

starship built from the wreck of a WWII Japanese battleship?  That's one

way of taking nationalism one step too far.)  I don't know what the 
Anime fans see in this thing.  "Akira" was good anime, "Robotech" was 
good Americanized Anime, even "Voltron" was good Anime when compared to 
this leaker.
	My next adventure into Anime will probably be the "Mobile Suit 
Gundam" series (If I can find it on video.).  Before I blow another buck

and a half on something that could be terrible, can I get some 
dime-store reviews.
	BTW I recieved a URL for FT conversion to Gundam capital ships 
(the Mecha is considered fighters).  You can find it at:

I plan on adding this URL to my page (along with some others) ASAP.


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