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My August Game is Filled

From: Allan Goodall <agoodall@s...>
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1996 23:03:53 -0400
Subject: My August Game is Filled

I'd like to thank everyone for the overwhelming response I received for
call for players. As usual, there are too many players for the available
spots and this with 12 players participating!). 

I'm waiting to hear back from two people to whom I gave "first refusal"
is my regular FT player, the other is someone I'm trying to recruit into
FT). Both are interested, but due to the response I'm giving them until
early Thursday night to make a a decision. At that time I'll send out a
message to each player with their "berth" position in the game. Anyone
over will be asked if they wish to join the lurker list or if they would
like to be put down as alternate players. 

It sounds like a long time before the game starts (I'm aiming for August
but I'm setting up a game database and my ISP is now offering free Web
sites. I'm hoping to have my Web page up and running before the game
so that I can use it as a player resource.

Once again, thanks for the response and you should receive a reply from
in about 24 hours.


Allan Goodall:
"You'll want to hear about my new obsession.
 I'm riding high upon a deep depression. 
 I'm only happy when it rains."    - Garbage

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