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Re: Space Fleet: Would Like "White Dwarf" Articles....

From: Niko Mikkanen <creator@c...>
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 1996 19:57:52 -0400
Subject: Re: Space Fleet: Would Like "White Dwarf" Articles....

> Date sent:  19-JUN-1996 09:24:59 
> How odd. I've even tryed it on accounts from another server and it
> my other accounts in fine. The url is.
Aha! Knew there was something missing from the string I was using...
try this when I have time, probably works better... Thanks!> 

> | Adam Delafield, I.T. Officer	| Bolton Institute,  |


btw, I just send the mail I send on the list, and my .sig was missing...

Can you guys see it, or am I screwing something up in a royal way?

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