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Re: Stargrunt 2 questions

From: M.J.Elliott@u...
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 1996 11:58:57 -0400
Subject: Re: Stargrunt 2 questions

>Anyway, here are a few questions that came up.  Some of these might be
>the rules, but I was working on the fly and couldn't give a thorough

Apologies for delay in reply. See other mail for reason (!!!)

>Q) What if your squad wants to do small arms ranged fire against a
>dispersed target, but has only support weapons?  Example, a heavily
>PA squad.  Must they fire each support weapon seperately (especially if

>armed with a variety of weapons)?

See p.37 Individual Fire of Support Weapons. Each support weapon
requires a 
separate Action to fire.

>Q) What happens if an individual has attached themselves to a squad,
>and is then wounded?  Is he treated as a normal member?  What if he
>unattached, does he lay in the middle of the field bleeding?

Yes, an independent figure that is currently attached to a unit is
as amember of the unit. If he is unattached, he is therefore
so apply rules for Firing at Independent Figures (p.26). If currently a 
member of a Detached Element then apply rules for such (pp.17-18).

>Q) If a panicked squad is charged, do they stand against the charge or
>flee?	It seems like they would flee, but the SG2 panicked squad is
>in place, so maybe not.

A panicced squad cannot perform any actions, but taking a Confidence
is not an action. The panicced squad takes the CL Test. If it fails it
withdraw, if it passes it will fight. Panicced troops have frozen, but
preservation will override the desire to hide if they are charged.

>Q) Why is there only hard and soft cover, but no "moderate" degree of
>either?  Is the intention of the rules that, for example, you are
>in the open or completely in hard cover?  We wound up using soft cover
>also mean "not much hard cover."  Made everyone happy.

That seems reasonable to me 8-).

>Q) Hmmm, is impact vs. armor an open shift or not?  We had an armor 1
>vehicle in hard cover.

No, its Closed Shift.

>Andrew E. B. Cowell
Mike Elliott, GZG

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