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Re: DSII: More questions

From: M.J.Elliott@u...
Date: Tue, 18 Jun 1996 11:55:50 -0400
Subject: Re: DSII: More questions

>I know some of these questions have been discussed before, but I can't 
>remember the answer.

>1) Is moving the only way to remove Under Fire Chits?	I couldn't find 
>anywhere that said they were removed after 1 turn of a unit not being 
>fired upon.

Under Fire markers are removed at the end of a unit's activation. See
(top of col 1) "Once the whole unit has performed... then remove any
FIRE markers".

>2) Does a required retreat from a close assault count as the activation

>for the retreating unit?  How do you work dismounted infantry getting
>into their vehicles to retreat?  Can an assaulting unit follow-up, even
>the retreating unit is now out of the 6" range (mounting in vehicles & 
>dashing off)?

A retreat from a close assault does not count as an activation. Troops 
cannot mount up during such a retreat. They will have to wait for their
activation to do so.

>3) Can Powered Armor elements be purchased as specialty teams (ie, a
>PA element)?

Yes. A PA element carrying a GMS/L would cost 40 points + cost of the 

>4) How do you work IAVRs firing at a vehicle with APFC & Reactive
>Reactive armor allows only Red chits & APFC allows only Yellow.

The APFCs take precedence, so onky Yellow chits count. (i.e you don't
any bonus for having Reactive Armour as well).

>5) For clarification, do all specialty chits count against artillery 


>That's it for now.


My pleasure,
Mike Elliott, GZG

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