Re: Those annoying aliens...
From: "Adam Delafield" <ad4@b...>
Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1996 05:04:11 -0400
Subject: Re: Those annoying aliens...
> 1) Raising the MASS of class 3 railguns to 4 destroys some symmetry in
> prices/masses of the various railguns, but I do agree that what seem
to be
> minor changes in MASS requirements have huge ramifications in the long
Minor Quibble. Class 1 Railguns are in fact MORE effective than any
of the other classes. Why? Because chance to hit is the same for all
classes, so 3 class one will perform more consistently than a class
3. OK so your own personal tastes come into play, but I'd rather do 4
points of damage than a random chance of none 3 or 6.
> 2) I find scatterguns to be grossly effective against incoming fighter
> attacks. With each scattergun eliminating D6 fighters, why wouldn't
> crush any attacking fighters (unless you've already used them as the
> deadly anti-ship weapon they are) ?
Use the fighter moral rules, and fighters simply can't attack a
Kra'Vak ship with scatterguns intact.
"It's good to have friends, is it not
Mr Garibaldi? Even if ,perhaps, only for a
little while."