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Re: Quick question - headgear for the IF troops…?

From: Jason Weiser <jason.weiser@g...>
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2017 15:17:40 -0400
Subject: Re: Quick question - headgear for the IF troops…?

I would go with both, the ones with the cloth wrapped around the face
be popular for a variety of applications. SF units for example?

On Wed, Aug 9, 2017 at 2:52 PM, Jon Tuffley <> wrote:

> Thanks Jason - yes, as you say, from that link it appears that I'm
> at simply two different ways of wearing the same piece of clothing….
> anyone got any suggestions as to how I should differentiate the two
> in the figure pack descriptions?!
> I'm planning to add more packs of IF in 15mm with the Keffiyeh style
> (as I've been calling them, that is the loose flowing style secured
> the headband) but also to add some packs wearing it in the "turban"
> some with face exposed and some with the cloth wrapped across the
> Jon (GZG)
> On 9 Aug 2017, at 15:39, Jason Weiser <> wrote:
> Both terms seem to be interchangeable.
> This might also help:
> On Wed, Aug 9, 2017 at 10:37 AM, Jason Weiser <>
> wrote:
>> You mean the shermagh?
>> On Wed, Aug 9, 2017 at 10:13 AM, Jon Tuffley <> wrote:
>>> Hi all, a quick query to the GZG-ListMind….
>>> This is an odd little question that I've been trying to find the
>>> to online, but obviously my Google-Fu is weak today - wondering if
>>> here knows it, or can find it more easily than I can….
>>> As most of you already know I do versions of the Islamic Federation
>>> troops in both 15mm and 25mm wearing the traditional "Keffiyeh",
which I've
>>> always understood to be the name (or maybe just one of the names) of
>>> classic "chequered teatowel with the headband band round it" (I'm
>>> this as a purely descriptive term, not with any non-PC meaning to
>>> SAS/LRDG /Lawrence of Arabia style. But what I can't find is a name
for the
>>> the longer cloth or scarf worn wound around the head turban-style,
with the
>>> ends either over the shoulders or wrapped across the face as a
>>> is it still simply called a Turban, or is there a better term for
>>> Thanks in advance!
>>> Jon (GZG)

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