Prev: Re: FT3 DEVELOPMENT QUESTION: Movement system(s)? was: Re: [FT] Quiet in here, isn't it. Next: Re: FT3 DEVELOPMENT QUESTION: Movement system(s)? was: Re: [FT] Quiet in here, isn't it.

Re: FT3 DEVELOPMENT QUESTION: Movement system(s)? was: Re: [FT] Quiet in here, isn't it.

From: Jon Tuffley <jon@g...>
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2015 16:12:53 +0100
Subject: Re: FT3 DEVELOPMENT QUESTION: Movement system(s)? was: Re: [FT] Quiet in here, isn't it.

Thanks for all the responses so far, keep 'em coming!

Most interesting thing at the moment is that most of those of you who
have responded seem reasonably happy with the simple cinematic

Just a couple of notes to steer the discussion: 

I won't be changing any of FT's fundamentals, at least not at this
stage. A "bigger fleets" game would be something for future development,
not for right now - FT3 will be a new version of the original game -
basically the current FT Light with the same sort of expanded bits that
the original FT 2nd Ed had - introducing defences (active and passive),
more weapons (including missiles in various flavours), introducing
fighters, shipbuilding rules, a bit of optional background and maybe
some scenario generation rules.

I'm not going to try to cram everything into one book - I want this
particular publication to be effectively "FT Standard", one step up from
FT Light. Fleet-specific designs and resources, advanced rules, alien
rules and so on will be in supplements.

Jon (GZG)

Prev: Re: FT3 DEVELOPMENT QUESTION: Movement system(s)? was: Re: [FT] Quiet in here, isn't it. Next: Re: FT3 DEVELOPMENT QUESTION: Movement system(s)? was: Re: [FT] Quiet in here, isn't it.