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Re: SG:AC discussions (was: Official - More re GZG news update - NEW RELEASES!)

From: Roger Bell_West <roger@f...>
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 11:26:13 +0100
Subject: Re: SG:AC discussions (was: Official - More re GZG news update - NEW RELEASES!)

On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 04:12:36PM -0400, Damond Walker wrote:
>On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 4:04 PM, Ground Zero Games <> wrote:
>> On the subject of creating scenarios by a pre-game random method
>> (whether it is a die roll, a card draw or any other system), how do
>> people feel about that in general...
>I suspect they will do the Gamer Thing and ignore it if they don't like
>it.  :)

Yup. People who want the One True Way to Play probably won't be
playing this anyway. :-) (That's why I dislike tournament play: it
turns too easily into gamesmanship. There's this trick in Star Wars:
X-Wing where you hide a unit on the edge of the map next to an
asteroid so that it can lurk away from the fight and still give ECM
bonuses, because the actual movement rules don't let you stay still.)

Slightly more seriously, I don't see anything wrong with _supporting_
a battle with pre-set forces, if that's what people want to do.
Speaking for myself, I'm not a big minis buyer or painter anyway
(sorry Jon), so I'm not that worried about getting all my toys on the
table. In the case of the campaign game, this may be revolutionary,
but if you don't want to carry more than you play perhaps you could do
the pre-game rolling by email before you turn up at the club?


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