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FW: Project Update #27: Spinward Traveller (T.V. Pilot) by d20 Entertainment

From: MICHAEL BROWN <mwsaber6@m...>
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 18:30:54 -0600
Subject: FW: Project Update #27: Spinward Traveller (T.V. Pilot) by d20 Entertainment

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FWIW, if it happens so much the better

Michael Brown

Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 05:56:04 +0000
Subject: Project Update #27: Spinward Traveller (T.V. Pilot) by d20

Project Update #27: Let's Go Somewhere!  Spinward Traveller ends at 11pm

Posted by d20 Entertainment


We are about 45 hrs away from Spinward Traveller ending as I type this.
It's been a long fun trip and I can't wait to see how far we go!

Here is a checklist of things you can do to help us.

1. Tweet about us
2. Place a link on Facebook about us
3. Place a link on Google+ about us
4. E-mail any friends or gaming groups that might be interested about
Spinward Traveller.
5. Post our link on any forums that might be interested about Spinward
6.  Look through the add-ons and see if any of them pique your interest.
7. Look at any of the Auctions and see if there is a prop you would like
to own and send up a bid!
8. Increase your bid if you think you can afford to help out the project

And thank you so much for your support, I can't wait to GO SOMEWHERE
with you guys!
-Ken Whitman, Producer of Spinward Traveller

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