Re: More Re: GZG OFFICIAL: NEW RELEASES time again!
From: Zoe Brain <aebrain@w...>
Date: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 15:08:37 +1100
Subject: Re: More Re: GZG OFFICIAL: NEW RELEASES time again!
On 14/11/2013 11:38 AM, Ground Zero Games wrote:
>> items we're going to be launching at the show.
>> How about the OUDF large ship Oerjan did the sculpt for a few years
> I had a lot of trouble with the master mould of it, could never get
> it to run successfully (no idea why - it's weird, sometimes it's the
> "easiest" shapes that give the most problems....) so it never got a
> production mould made. Now you've reminded me of it, at some point
> when i have time I'll have to dig the old mould out and maybe give it
> another go....?
Maybe a few modifications? Extra run-off holes? What was the problem -
distortion? Bubbling?
Thanks for looking at this one again - when/if you ever have time.