Which 15mm are in full suits?
From: Brian Burger <blurdesign@g...>
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2013 20:40:55 -0800
Subject: Which 15mm are in full suits?
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Contemplating getting back into 15mm SF after most of a decade (!) of
gaming, and I've decided I'm going to make my pre-terraformed Mars
background central. So no non-grav fliers, no hover vehicles, and
pretty much have to be fully suited somehow to get along.
I've got a reinforced mech inf platoon of the older-model UNSC-H
+ grav IFVs & a grav MBT for support. I know the NI forces and UNSC-L
forces are in full suits, and obviously the various powered armour units
are fully sealed.
Which of the lighter forces are also in fully sealed armour, or at least
without too much visible skin or bare heads on the majority of the
I'm especially interested in lower-tech forces that still look like
suited up for a hostile atmosphere/enviroment; the UNSC & NI forces have
the high-tech side of things well covered.