Re: GZG ECC 16 - an overview wrap/gzg-d Digest V2013 #21---GZG ECC con
From: Damond Walker <damosan@g...>
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2013 16:36:22 -0500
Subject: Re: GZG ECC 16 - an overview wrap/gzg-d Digest V2013 #21---GZG ECC con
On Tue, Feb 26, 2013 at 10:57 AM, Douglas Evans <>
> Love to hear more on all of the above, but especially on the FT
You asked for it.
> 1) I'm thinking of running a Korean era Mig Ally type thing using a
trimmed down version of FT.
Think of a mini-ssd with modified cinematic movement and light beams.
Nothing too fancy as it'd be a con-game but I'm sure there'd be a few
other tweaks in there as well.
> 2) FMA-Microarmor. Probably set in the 40k sillyverse but it's what I
Think FMAS with microarmor. Units would be rated in the standard
quality scale of d4 - d12. This would also define the unit's
coherency. There would be the standard three range brackets with
infantry style small arms having ranges of 1-2" per band. Vehicle
weapons would reach out further. Combat would simply be quality +
weapon vs. opponents quality + range die. You'd compare the high
result of each roll against each other. If the shooter beats zero
then no effect. If they beat one then target damaged. If they beat
two then target destroyed.
I need to work on it a bit as players would probably get carpal tunnel
based on the description above.
> 3) Post-Apoc resource grab using TW or SG2.
Nothing very fancy here. 28mm platoon level skirmish with some
vehicles. May just end up as a generic scifi game. Or not done at
> 4) FMA-Road Warrior like truck escort.
I've thought about this one a while. The basic concept was to have
two rigs rolling down the highway. The game would be played on a
4'x4' table with a road running down the center. The rigs would move
at a near constant pre-determined rate. The players would move in
realtion to the rigs. You'd never physically move the rigs on the
table (except for maybe lane changes) but players would be moving
their vehicles. Also random terrain would appear at the head of the
table and drift down the table N inches per turn based on the speed.
An example of movement would go like this:
1) The rigs are moving 60 mph. Lets say this represents 6" of movement.
2) If you plotted your car's movement to be 60 mph with no turning of
the wheel you basically stay in place.
3) If you plotted your cars movement to be 80 mph you would be able to
move your car forward 2" this turn. If you kept your car at 80 mph
you'd move your car forward 2" every turn until you slowed back down
to 60 mph. Then you'd hold steady.
4) The ability to drift left / right / speed up / slow down will be
defined by the car itself. You'd be able to push it but you may run
into problems.
5) The terrain would drift down the table at whatever speed the rig(s)
are moving. Signs, small hills, rivers, small marauder bands, random
animals, etc. Don't know if I'd have the players move first or the
terrain bits move first. Probably the players. Also undecided is if
I should let the players take turns dropping terrain or the GM should
do it.
The point of the game is for one side to escort the rigs from point A
to point B while the other side is there to off the escorts and
disable the rigs. There would be a few weapons here and there (there
may be a TON of weapons) but the rigs themselves would be well
armored. Serious style points would be awarded by having assistant
drivers leap from vehicle to vehicle to make an assault on the rig
The game itself will be 20mm.