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Official - GZG news: UNSC/H Hardsuit Marines!

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Sat, 22 Dec 2012 12:58:39 +0000
Subject: Official - GZG news: UNSC/H Hardsuit Marines!

A quick news update on the 15mm figure line.....

We're in the process of completely RE-SCULPTING the UNSC/H Hardsuit 
figures (the guys with the classic "teardrop helmet" look), and 
should have the first two or three packs ready for launch shortly 
after New Year. If you want to see a PAINTED SAMPLE of the new-sculpt 
figures, I sent a sample casting to one of our regular customers and 
he liked it so much that he painted it immediately and posted it on 
his blog (thanks Harold!):

The reason for announcing these a little bit in advance of their 
release is that, unlike our previous range re-sculpts and expansions, 
this time I will be DELETING the original packs of Hardsuit troops 
(SG15-U01 and U05) from the store when we release the new ones. 
Although the new figures are the same as the old ones design-wise, 
they are sufficiently different in style, proportion and weapons 
details that they really are replacements rather than additions.

The original two packs WILL still be available to special order, the 
moulds are fine and I can cast them as required, but they will not be 
listed on the store to avoid causing confusion to new customers. So, 
if you have a force of the old type figures and want some more to add 
to them, just email me and I can sort it out, but if you haven't 
bought any of the old ones before then I would recommend waiting till 
we launch the new figures very soon.

All the best,

Jon (GZG)

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