GZG official: news update, SALUTE and new releases....
From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2012 17:25:16 +0000
Subject: GZG official: news update, SALUTE and new releases....
Hello all, it's been a while since the last news update here because
I've been steadily busy dealing with mailorders - but in the
background, preparations for SALUTE have been happening, with new
releases planned, sculpted and (in some cases) moulded and almost
ready to go!
Before we get too near SALUTE, though, the end of March is the expiry
date for the New Year Discount vouchers that some of you are still
holding - those of you who have been waiting on some new releases
before spending your vouchers will be pleased to hear that the
long-promised RE-RELEASE of the UNSC STARSHIPS is almost ready to
launch! I've been making the new moulds for them over the last couple
of weeks, there are still a few more to do before all the classes are
ready, but I hope to have the full fleet available and in production
within the next week or so - in plenty of time for you to get your
orders in before the voucher expiry on the 31st.
The Ground Pounders haven't been forgotten, there will also be a few
new 15mm releases before the end of the month, with more to come
after that for a SALUTE debut!
So, please watch this space for more details very soon.....
Jon (GZG), Wednesday 14th March.