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Re: GEOHEX Terrain

From: Mike Stanczyk <stanczyk@p...>
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2012 13:14:03 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: GEOHEX Terrain

On Tue, 28 Feb 2012, Carlos Lourenco wrote:

> Cant you make your own similarly-sized hexes with a hot knife and
> insulation foam?  (Is this the 4" hexes or the 6"?)

Bigger.  10-14" across.  Mine are in storage this minute so I don't know
exactly but the size isn't the problem.  I can make hexes in almost any

It's the shape.  Look here:

I want mine to be compatable and that means matching:
Angle of sloped pieces
edges of compound pieces

Matching the thickness is easy.  Matching the angle is slightly harder.
but the egde curve?  No clue.

Look at pieces #1 and #7.  #7 I would bet is one piece beveled twice and
edged twice.  #1 is a stumper.

There's also the possibility that some of the shapes are complementary 
somehow in manufacture.  Maybe when you cut a full hex down for a #4 you

get enough extra to make two #1.  But I could never figure that out.


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