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Re: GZG wheels

From: Tamsin Piper <Tamsin@t...>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 2011 21:00:50 +0000
Subject: Re: GZG wheels

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GZG's 25mm vehicles range got sold on to Daemonscape:


Definitely some wheeled vehicles there and if you contact them they 
may be willing to cast up "wheels only" for you


At 20:31 12/12/2011, you wrote:
>textfilter: chose text/plain from a multipart/alternative
>Some GZG  wheeled APC's now painted and ready to game with in a high 
>visibility urban peacekeeper scheme.
>I liked these models posted by Robin and it made me wonder if there 
>are any 25 mm scale similar vehicles ideally i'd like to get some of 
>the wheels to use on other vehicles Could see me needing about 100 
>wheels or so. I couldn't find any wheeled 25mm vehicles.
>Robin do you know how big the wheels are on the models you posted/

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