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Re: ISO sci-fi terrain and random rambling

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2011 07:03:49 -0500
Subject: Re: ISO sci-fi terrain and random rambling

Name? I've probably seen same, spending a lot of time scanning LAF and
but I don't recall this mix.

As for 'Firedrake', I was so surprised and pleased at any traffic,
it completely.


Tom B wrote on 08/05/2011 01:59:54 AM:

> I did find a small company that has done what I think are 28-30mm
> Mal, Kaylee and Shepherd Book (though obviously under other names).
> pretty good. I wish they'd do Wash, Jayne, Inara, Simon and River as
well. I
> think these same guys have a Corbin Dallas, a Leeloo, and a few other
> notables (Doc Savage). They have a couple of kits which you can
> do a good K-9 and several 'Doctors'.

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