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Re: [GZG] Mixed Role Fighters

From: John Tailby <john_tailby@x...>
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 2009 06:45:40 +1000 (EST)
Subject: Re: [GZG] Mixed Role Fighters

Gzg-l mailing list
example of the combat.

A 4 squadron Fleet book carrier with say 2 squadrons of interceptors and
2 torpedo bombers is confronted by an equivalent ship with 4 squadrons
of multirole fighters. The carrier with the multirole fighters launches
4 squadrons of interceptors. The opposing carrier launches it's

In a simplified version of the combat, loaded with assumptions.
The squadrons meet and the interceptors kill each other on a 1-1 basis
and the two remainign multirole fighters kill the torpedo bombers for no

The two remaining multirole fighters can now go back and rearm at their
leisure. The opposing carrier has no squadrons to defend itself and so
has to withdraw or risk getting bombed by the torpedo bombers. No FB1
ship has a PDS grid sufficient to stand off 2 squadrons of torpedo

To duplicate the combat power of the multirole fighter squadrons you
need a much larger carrier at much larger cost.

With each squadron having a 9 mass bay and tube and an associated
increase in hull drives and mass, the cost of extra squadrons gets very
expensive very fast.

From: "" <>
Sent: Friday, 17 April, 2009 8:26:10 AM
Subject: Re: [GZG] Mixed Role Fighters

This is where point systems need to show finness. Instead of A+B=X,
these multiple role fighters should come down to A+B(c)=X where "c" is a
modifier, making the second role cheaper than it would be if it was the
sole role of the fighter. This would reflect that the fighter has extra
capabilities, but that the limitations on the fighters' ability to act
within the rules hampers those extra capabilities.

Point systems have flaws, but allowing Heavy Interceptors or other
multi-role fighters isn't one, what they need to cost in points can
certainly be argued, but saying that a Heavy Interceptor should cost
more than a Heavy plus an Interceptor is where I have issues, just
from the basic math.

Ryan Fisk

Gzg-l mailing list

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