Re: [GZG] [ECC XII][For Damo] Thoughts on stress for FMAS -somefeedback
From: "McCarthy, Tom" <Tom.McCarthy@x...>
Date: Thu, 5 Mar 2009 08:23:10 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] [ECC XII][For Damo] Thoughts on stress for FMAS -somefeedback
I don't know if he's on the list.
I did e-mail him immediately after ECC to say that I'd played in two
very different, very fun FMA games on the weekend. He gave me a quick
acknowledgement and said he planned to compose a real response soon.
I do know that I never got around to revising my copy of FMA rules
drafts to strip out rolling for action points after the idea got tossed,
so I don't know if a good draft of the rules exists.
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