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Re: [GZG] Small arms tech and troop quality

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Wed, 17 Dec 2008 07:56:26 +0000
Subject: Re: [GZG] Small arms tech and troop quality

>Some of my friends spent time developing some homebrew 1/300 scifi
>They decided that D10s were a good dice to use because you could 
>include some simple modifiers without quickly moving to the "how do 
>I roll a 7 on a D6?" problem.
>If it's all the same dice then it's pretty simple whether it's a D6 or
a D10.
>Our gaming group got put off playing the GZG ground combat games 
>because of the percieved difficulty of rolling the different number 
>of dice made the game harder to pick up the game than others out 
>In a company level game firing, by platoon at a target platoon seems 
>to be a good compromise between realism and playability. If the game 
>play is declare the platoon fire action, calcuate the number of dice 
>, roll, apply modifiers, work out the hits and effect then the game 
>might play pretty fast.

That's certainly the intention; while the actual resolution mechanic 
might look quite complex to some people, (it isn't, but it might LOOK 
that way at first glance), it will resolve an entire platoon's fire 
in one go (though exactly the same mechanic will be used if you're 
firing just a squad, or a single stand, or a full company!).
Given that a typical combined-arms force will probably have no more 
than two or three platoons of infantry, you'll usually only have to 
be working out the resolution a couple of times per turn.

Jon (GZG)

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