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Re: [GZG] Slightly OT - Hypothetical weapon question

From: Mark Kinsey <Kinseym@p...>
Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2008 15:19:20 -0400
Subject: Re: [GZG] Slightly OT - Hypothetical weapon question

Tom B wrote:

[Tomb] Honestly, sailing around some of those regions (Gulf of Aden, 
Panama, Asia Pacific Rim, etc) in a small but valuable keelboat or 
catamaran is basically throwing the dice. There's no way, even if there 
are 4 - 6 of you aboard and  you do have firearms that you can 
reasonably stand off launches with support weapons and RPGs. So, I can't

really think of a "plan" that's going to change that reality. You can 
mitigate risk of being noticed and targeted, you can take some steps to 
offer limited defense portside or at anchor or underway, but ultimately,

you aren't in the kind of vessel and don't have the kind of armaments to

effectively resist. My answer is 'don't go there'.

That got me thinking what a "random encounter" table for that part of 
the world would be like, both on and off the water. Scary.

-Mark K.

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