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Re: [GZG] Question: What's in a name - WYSIWYG or not?

From: "Evyn MacDude" <infojunky@c...>
Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2008 14:28:59 -0700
Subject: Re: [GZG] Question: What's in a name - WYSIWYG or not?

Gzg-l mailing list
Thu, Oct 2, 2008 at 8:05 AM, <> wrote:

> I see.  Thanks for the information.  So how do the resins compare to
> metals in terms of preparation needed, etc.?

>From forgeworld? Gimme the lead any day, I have yet to get an order
them where more than half didn't have some manufacturing defect or
>From 1/8 inch mold offsets to partially cured (rubbery and stinky), or
cast (1/3rd of the damn model), I have quit ordering from them no matter
cool it looks.

This is the 1/300 Epic line.

I have had fewer problems with their 28mm figures....

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