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[GZG] Subject: [OFFICIAL] APCs, holidays, deals and stuff!

From: "Tom B" <kaladorn@g...>
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2008 16:11:26 -0400
Subject: [GZG] Subject: [OFFICIAL] APCs, holidays, deals and stuff!

Gzg-l mailing list

1) Turreted Mortars: I wonder if this is more complexity than would be
necessary. Usually, with vehicle-sized mortars, you'll be firing a fair
distance. Your targets at those ranges won't necessitate sizable changes
arc (unlike engaging hostile infantry or tanks close in, the reason
DF weapons are popular). You'd think the mortar inside the hull would be
just fine for that. (see the link above for an example)

NOTE: Turreted AGLs make sense and the turret depicted there could be
large-calibre AGLs. Alternately, a smaller twin AGL turret could be
That sort of weapon is for short range DF or indirect engagement of
and soft skinned vehicles, so it makes sense for a turret.

2) Ambulance Version: No turret? Jon? :)

3) Note the TOW under armour variant on the link. I think the system is
mounted rearward for balance and for ease of reloading (spares probably
to be taken from the inside, heaved up onto the top deck, and loaded).
sort of design might predominate in missile systems. An Aliens APC style
turret track that let you rotate the launcher down off the back and
at ground level might also work.

4) Note the LAV III's turret, fairly large to accomodate the RFAC and
MGs and sensors and people and ammo feed systems, is mounted centreline
the front and centreline from the side (or close to it). This is again
probably for balance. The tipping issue is substantial in hilly places
Afghanistan. And it probably makes the vehicle a more steady weapons
platform. I tend to think most of the larger turret systems would be
mount if they don't have the reloading issues the missile system does.
Especially if they have recoil-heavy weapons.

5) Scout/Recce Turret: Jon? :0)

Just some thoughts.

Also, kudos to Jon for making a nice looking tracked main hull and a

"Now, I go to spread happiness to the rest of the station. It is a
responsibility but I have learned to live with it."
Londo, A Voice in the Wilderness, Part I

"To argue with a person who has renounced the use of reason is like
administering medicine to the dead." -- Thomas Paine

Thomas Paine

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