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Re: [GZG] And now for something completely different...

From: "Tom B" <kaladorn@g...>
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2008 12:00:21 -0400
Subject: Re: [GZG] And now for something completely different...


I shoot for having the same unit types if possible (which is why I'm
peeved I can't get old-school 6mm Eldar Tempest grav tanks anymore
since I'm using Armourcast 28mm Tempests for my Kravak). Sometimes
this is not feasible and that's just an annoying reality. A lot of
really cool models in the FW lines never made it into SG25s.

Force organization tends to be flexible in the modern day and will be
even more flexible in the future. A hard TO&E will the the oddity
rather than the norm I suspect. So I just try to have the models and
assemble them in a reasonable manner for the sort of mission being


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