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Re: [GZG] Space habitats and scale.

From: "Robyn Stott" <rodstott@a...>
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2008 14:57:47 +1000
Subject: Re: [GZG] Space habitats and scale.

Probably the best thing is to put them in at a smaller scale than the
after all the 'ground scale' is different to the 'model scale', so a
representation of space habitat may be more appropriate.

I have done planets/moons using large (20cm radius) foam balls cut in
and painted up to represent the surface.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert N Bryett" <>
To: "GZG List" <>
Sent: Friday, June 27, 2008 12:20 PM
Subject: [GZG] Space habitats and scale.

> My young admirals have been talking about including space habitats in
> FT games, and being the lads they are, this has led to discussions
> about building suitable models. More power to them, but it brings up
> the question of scale and suitable materials.
> After all, at the 1:2400 GZG ship-mini scale, an Island-3 style
> O'Neil Cylinder would be roughly 2.5m in diameter, and some 8m long!
> Clearly impractical (though it does make you think...). An Island-1
> type Bernal Sphere would be much more reasonable, at around 200mm
> diameter. A Stanford Torus would be stretching it at roughly 750mm
> diameter.
> We've made do with painting up 3l PET grapefruit-juice bottles with
> suitable bits and pieces stuck on, but they do look a bit small next
> to our ship minis. Has anyone on the list done any modelling of this
> sort of thing?
> Best regards, Robert Bryett
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