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Re: [GZG] Bovine rebuttal

From: Ken Hall <khall39@y...>
Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2008 09:35:20 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [GZG] Bovine rebuttal

Gzg-l mailing list
cinating how these ideas come up again and again. In the 1920s Ralph
Milne Farley wrote a pair of books -- The Radio Beasts and The Radio
Planet -- one premise of which was that two sentient species could not
occupy the same continent for long. As soon as one species acquired the
means to exterminate the other, it would do so. I never read The Radio
Beasts, but I enjoyed The Radio Planet as a teenager; I would call it
well-crafted pulp with attention to character. I think there were later
books in the series as well.

Robert Mayberry <> wrote:
  You mean neanderthal. You know, while the research apparently shows
that they weren't as smart as us, they DID have the larger braincases.
:) The History Channel special I saw presented them a bit like dwarves
in fantasy: stocky, hairy, gruff, suited to cold temperatures and
extreme conditions, and more resistant to physical trauma.

Cro magnons competed with them. They were taller, less hairy, and less
durable, but they were fast talkers. They were famous for their
marketing executives, telephone sanitizers, and tax collectors. The
neanderthals never knew what hit them.

The B5 case you describe is interesting: the Centauri and the Xon(?)
developed at the same time on the same planet, but had no contact with
one another until late in their technological development. I find it
implausible that both races would be nearly at parity when they met--
enough that it was a serious fight-- but OTOH the older races meddled
in every world's development so maybe they set things up that way. The
Hyach and the Hyach-do(again, spelling?) apparantly co-evolved (until
the former exterminated the latter).

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