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Re: [GZG] LITE, LIGHT and other painful matters

From: Evyn MacDude <infojunky@c...>
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2008 14:33:23 -0700
Subject: Re: [GZG] LITE, LIGHT and other painful matters

Gzg-l mailing list
On  Apr17 08, at 13:05, Tom B wrote:

> LITE - makes my eyes bleed
> LIGHT - looks right and proper, even if the gh should be pronounced  
> like a cat throwing up in a proper language (and this should be  
> 'licht')

As there is no Academy of the English language, lite is correct if  
it's meaning is clear, and if
y'all want to argue I have access to an OED and am willing to smack  
said objecting nits
upside the head with said collection.

Now this entire conversation would be a great scenario the NAS civil  
war, all over spelling.

Note, I am american who learned to speak from a Cockney Nanny, lives  
in California, and
has dated and/or lived with an Australian. Thus it's all bloody  
english to me.

Evyn MacDude

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