Re: [GZG] Battlecruisers
From: "Richard Bell" <rlbell.nsuid@g...>
Date: Sat, 23 Dec 2006 23:49:04 -0700
Subject: Re: [GZG] Battlecruisers
On 12/23/06, Ryan Gill <> wrote:
> I think mostly because it's role was too
> particular and it was often just stuck into the
> battle-line where it suffered horribly.
Not only was its role particular, but once the airplane really took
off, it was mooted. The role of the battlecruiser envisioned by
Fisher was a vessel that allowed you to find the other line of battle
while preventing the enemy from doing the same. It could chase away,
or destroy enemy cruisers and force its way through the enemy screen.
The idea was already half dead when the expected enemy built its own
BC's for the screening/scouting missions, but once there were ways of
scouting without surface ships, the BC was dead, if still twitching
for another decade, or three.
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