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[GZG] Jon's poll

From: Glenn Wilson <glenn-wilson-1950@s...>
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2006 09:18:58 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [GZG] Jon's poll

Gzg-l mailing list
Jon Said:

"...Hi all,

Some quick questions on 15mm SF:

I want to get some idea of what 
people want to see (or see more of) 
in the 15mm vehicle range, so I'd 
like to know your preferences re: 
tech levels and mobility types.

Please rate your liking for the following types 
of AFVs, on a scale of 1 to 5, with 1 being 
"stupid idea, can't stand 'em" 
and 5 being "yes please, would buy lots!"  ;-)..."

My answers:

1) Tracked vehicles

my interest is high - 4 - need some more for 
the burgeoning FCT in  6mm/15mm forces 
that are #3 on my SF list.

2) Wheeled vehicles 
my interest 3 - mid-range additions in 
6mm/15mm are planned.

3) Hover vehicles (air cushion) 

my interest - 1 (NOT stupid, Jon, just not on my 
15mm list and I have tons of 6mm - make them 
for others.)

4) "Early" Grav (like the ones we've done so far)

My Interest - 3 to 4 but might as  well be 2 
looking at my plans.

5) "Advanced" Grav (high tech)

My Interest - 2 - is maybe after 
I retire sometime around/after 2016.

6) Walkers (multi-legged) 

My Interest - 5 - because this is the 15mm APC 
of choice in my 15mm plans.

7) Walkers (bipedal, ie: "Mechs") 

My interest - 0 - (i.e., none) in 15mm.  
I have plans for a small group of platoons 
in 15 mm of Mech Infantry and none of it is 
Battletech oriented.


Jon (GZG)

You're welcome.  

My 6mm forces are essentially complete 
(well except for IC, LLAR/LIRA and something 
completely off the wall for the PHR infantry 
and maybe the odd specialist vehicle.)

My 25 mm forces will fill in over time 
(looking for compatible GMS/L, APSW and LAD 
figures for my IC and LLAR/LIRA platoons) 
plus getting some FCT squads in 'the future.'

15 mm is looming on the horizon more and more 
but it will essentially Mech. Inf and the 
odd AFV.

  Glenn Wilson

Prev: Re: [GZG] Quick survey - 15mm SF preferences? Next: RE: Re: Blue Sky Thinking (was: Re: [GZG] re: Wanted)