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Re: [GZG] [SG] Rapid Fire antipersonnel plasma gun?

From: "John Atkinson" <johnmatkinson@g...>
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 18:19:31 +0400
Subject: Re: [GZG] [SG] Rapid Fire antipersonnel plasma gun?

On 9/27/06, Samuel Penn <> wrote:

> > If I remember correctly, I used D8 Firepower, D10 Impact (more shots
> > than the Plasma Gun's D6, less impact than the Plasma Gun), but
> > terror effects.
> Does a flame thrower cause terror? How about a DFFG fired from a
> vehicle? We've only played once so far (just infantry, no vehicles
> or even power armour), so my knowledge of the rules is very light.
> I'm currently trying to juggle painting figures with reading the
> rules again.

Maybe it's just me, but that whole "terror" thing just doesn't do it for

I don't see anything inherently more terrifying about a plasma gun as
compared to a gauss rifle.  You're just as dead, and the gauss rifle
is a lot harder to pinpoint as compares to a huge, hot (shows up
nicely on thermals) weapon that spits fireballs at a slow rate of

IMNSHO terror is a thing for draftees or green troops.

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