RE: [GZG] Back to Lurk
From: Magnus Alexandersson <magnus.alexandersson@g...>
Date: Wed, 12 Jul 2006 10:19:15 +0200
Subject: RE: [GZG] Back to Lurk
ons 2006-07-12 klockan 08:09 +0100 skrev Ground Zero Games:
> Yes, I did chip in to try to explain any confusions, but I did NOT
> dismiss the idea of a forum ... I just said that I'd like the list to
> continue as it has done, but if a forum could happily coexist
> alongside it then that would be fine with me.... but I'm not going to
> decide anything until I've had time to look properly at all the mail
> and consider what everyone's opinions on this are.
> :-)
I find the 150+ mail hysteria both sad and entertaining.
Forums are an excellent compliment, not a contender.
Now get outside in the sun while I wade through all this unthreadable
Just my 0.02 SEK.
Take care,
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