Re: Re: [GZG] Saieed Khalifate
From: <laserlight@v...>
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 12:12:55 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: Re: [GZG] Saieed Khalifate
>Just wanted to point out that, rare as it happens, there ARE such
things as friendly borders. I'd find it interesting in any campaign I'd
generate, and would like to keep the possibility free from canon, the
possibility that the NI and IF could be the rare case of someone
learning from the past, and actually be non-combative.
If we did as I suggested with the SK, then NI and IF might be neutral. I
don't recall any mention in canon of NI and IF mixing it up directly,
although I wouldn't want to have NI and IF mercenaries working together.
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